Hey, Ben here head coach of 2B coaching, welcome to my app and online platform
2B coaching is your premier online coaching for body transformation for men. Whether your goal is to loose fat, gain strength or build lean muscle.
From a coach who has had my own transformation journey of 25kg of lean tissue gained and have cut down to extremely low body fat %. I have the knowledge to share and help you to your individual physique goal as efficiently as possible. With everything you need on this 1 platform.
This comprehensive easy to navigate coaching platform includes:
- Tailored Nutrition plan to suit your goals and daily schedule
- Progress monitoring feature to easily track training and physique progressions over time.
- Custom training plan to suit your goals and specific to what equipment is available to you.
- Messaging feature for Day to day communication
- Weekly check in feature. Easy to complete questions and add photos. A personal video response to the assessment made and changes needed for the following week to continue progression.
I pride myself in delivering a 5 star service. You will have all the tools, education and support you need to obtain the body and confidence you never thought was possible
Start your journey today!
* App access requires paid coaching plan
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